Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sunny Days - Oscar the Kid

In our "Sunny Days" universe, it all happens on Sesame Street.  Behind Hooper's Store is a magical hole to Fraggle Rock, a portal to the worlds of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.  You can go "around the corner" and down the street to find the Muppet Theater.  This connection will allow me to keep adding more Jim Henson creations to my little fan comic strip.

Are you having fun with these?  I hope so.
I am.

Click image to open larger.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sunny Days - A Fan Comic Strip by Me - Oscar's Reality

Click to view larger image.
I think we can all agree that reality television is trash.  I hate it.  A bunch of no-talents get famous for doing nothing extraordinary and that makes ME grouchy!

Again, I've used photos of the actual Muppet and the street to get the real images.  I did lights and darks this time for two reasons:
1) I wanted to try it out.
2) I forgot I did only flat colors last time.

What do you think?  Are these fun?

Oh, and as far as reality TV goes, that one guy who has a show that says he's a doctor but really isn't had a Muppet character on Sesame Street that interviewed Bob.  Look REALLY closely at Oscar's TV screen.  Heh heh heh...

(Also, Sesame Workshop, please don't sue me as I'm not making any money on these; but, feel free to hire me and I'll be right there!)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Sunny Days - A fan comic strip by Me.

I've wanted to do this for years: create a comic strip around Sesame Street where all things Jim Henson converge on the street and participate with one another.  I've wanted to do it forever and, so, after much discussion, have decided to just do it.

Of course, my Muley the Mule and Friends comic strips will remain on their own website.  I will also say that without this show, the Muppets, and a love for Charles Schulz' Peanuts, I probably would never have been inspired to create!

Now, I'll include some older art, etc., but definitely wanted to start this post with the most recent (and what I'll call the official first) Sunny Days comic strip.

Click to see all images larger.

A little side-note: when possible, I'll be sampling the colors from actual photographs to keep the characters closer to their original counterparts.  Even some props I hope to sample colors from that, and background colors from set images.  So, you should feel more at home when reading the strips.

They will likely be few and far between; but, it will help get some of my need to go there in person (and meet Big Bird which is my life-long dream!  Get me there somehow, folks!)

Hope these are fun for you.  They are for me!

Earlier on, I wanted to do "Sunny Days" under a different title, which I chose not to do now:

A now famous photo by Lin Workman and myself, taken with
the help of Martheus and Janet Wade!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Elmwood Cemetery - Soul of the City (tour and party) (10/26/2018)

Crone Memorials is a program sponsor of Elmwood Cemetery's "Soul of the City: Elmwood Rises" party and tour.  The description from both websites of Crone and Elmwood:

Once again, CRONE MEMORIALS is a proud sponsor of the 13th Annual Twilight Costume Tour “Soul of the City: Elmwood Rises.” Each year, actors perform the roles of many of Memphis’ historical figures who are interred in the cemetery. Come to the event and tell them Crone Memorials sent you!
Saints and sinners. Patriarchs and politicians. Suffragists, scoundrels, leaders of the Civil Rights movement. Veterans of all the wars, and many more.

This year, we’re expanding your all-access pass to Memphis history.

Join us Friday, October 26th or Saturday, October 27th for a tour like none other. Elmwood Cemetery presents The Soul of the City, a two-night engagement that will introduce you to some of the storied folks buried in your city cemetery.

Tours will begin at 5 pm and run nonstop throughout both evenings until the last group enters the cemetery at 8pm.

This year, we’re expanding your all-access pass to Memphis history.
Join us Friday, October 26th or Saturday, October 27th for a tour like none other. Elmwood Cemetery presents The Soul of the City, a two-night engagement that will introduce you to some of the storied folks buried in your city cemetery.
Tours will begin at 5 pm and run nonstop throughout both evenings until the last group enters the cemetery at 8pm.

 Elmwood started in 1852, and this long history has found many prominent - and not-so-prominent - members buried here.

Here are photos taken during the night (sorry, they're from my cellphone and not the best ever photos):

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Alice Cooper at the Orpheum - 10/19/2018

My buddy Richard Meeks got the tickets.  I got the car and dinner.  We got the best time tonight.

If I can ever figure how to save video from my phone, I'll add that, too...